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Approaches to Training Acolytes Study Group

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Situation Former study
Details This study group addressed the issue—crucial for the future of the Rinzai School—of the education of Zen acolytes and postulants. The group, consisting of important representatives of the Rinzai and Ōbaku schools, held eleven meetings between September 1992 and July 1993, then produced a final report that in November 1993 was distributed to all Rinzai and Ōbaku temples in Japan. In 1994 the group, drawing on its findings, issued a new edition of the Rinzai daily sutra book, entitled the Rinzai School Standard Daily Sutra Book in Three Volumes 新修 臨済宗勤行聖典・全三巻.
Name of group
leader and members
Group head: Kōno Taitsū 河野太通 Roshi.
Group members: Representatives of the educational departments of the Rinzai and Ōbaku head temples (Myōshin-ji, Manpuku-ji, Nanzen-ji, Kenchō-ji, Tōfuku-ji, Daitoku-ji, Eigen-ji, Kennin-ji, Tenryū-ji, Hōkō-ji, Buttsū-ji); the Rinzai Association for Young Clergy, the Proselytizer Associations of the various Rinzai schools; the Institute for Zen Studies.