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Recorded-Sayings Literature of the Tang Dynasty: The Recorded Sayings of Shenhui (Shenhui yulu) Study Group

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Situation Present study
Details Among the most important materials discovered at Dunhuang were those related to Shenhui, the founder of the Northern School of Zen. Edited versions of Shenhui’s recorded sayings had already been produced by D. T. Suzuki and the Chinese scholar Hu Shi, but with the appearance of the Dunhuang Museum manuscript and various fragments the limitations of these earlier editions became evident. The present study group is working toward a new standard edition with accurate translations and detailed annotation. Meetings for 2013 will be held biweekly on Wednesdays.
         ; Past Activities: This group, under its previous identity as the Tang Dynasty Recorded Sayings Study Group B, studied a wide variety of texts under the guidance of Prof. Iriya Yoshitaka:
         1980-1983: The Record of Mazu 馬祖語録.
         1984-1986: The Extensive Record of Xuansha 玄沙広録. Publication of The Extensive Record of Xuansha in three volumes.
         1986-1988: The Recorded Sayings of Nanquan 南泉語録.
         1988-1991: The Recorded Sayings of Muzhou 睦州語録.
         1992-1993: The Recorded Sayings of Baizhang 百丈語録.

         1994-1996: The Three Treatises of Bodhidharma 達磨三論.
         1997-present: The Recorded Sayings of Shenhui; in 2006, The Recorded Sayings of Shenhui: Sermons was published.
Name of group
leader and members
Members: Group leader: Nishiguchi Yoshio 西口芳男
Group Members:  Kinugawa Kenji 衣川賢次, Nakajima Shirō 中島志郎, Kitahata Toshinobu 北畠利信, Matsuoka Yukako 松岡由香子, Senda  Sōtaku 千田宗琢, Kubo Jō 久保讓